Make posts about DEA pipeline and non-coding RNA function prediction tools
Confirm normalizing primer for mussel work
Feb 1-2
Environmental data science class, working with PostgreSQL for database management
Have to load the Lake Washington data file before class Friday
Rescheduled qPCR with Grace for Friday
Did an inventory and prep for qPCR run of HSC70 for my mussel chapter
Need to order more plates and caps
Learning how to complete a differential expression analysis
chatGPT was actually really helpful for this
Will be doing a DEA on CEABiGR oyster data specifically for lncRNA, should allow me to setup my own pipeline to use for coral work later on
Feb 3
Had a chat with Jill Ashey from the Putnam Lab about non-coding RNAs
Sounds like we have similar interests in moving away from DNA methylation to look at other mechanisms of gene regulation
Should probably set up a monthly (if not more frequent) meeting
Joined science hour briefly
Environmental data science class, PostgresSQL database building
I’m intrigued by PostgresSQL data management, but it doesn’t really seem appropriate for my work (or really any work happening at the individual grad student level), but it makes sense for larger scale environmental monitoring work or for an organization
Ran mussel HSC70 qPCR with Grace
Feb 6
Lab meeting: chapter 13 of The Disordered Cosmos
Environmental data science class, discussion about metadata and the best ways to store data about your data, couple of cool R packages…
Retrieved HSC70 qPCR data, updated the plate info, and put it in the appropriate place in my notebook
Looks like amplification was low for a few of the samples, but the NTCs looked good
Going to register for FISH 546 (Bioinformatics) and QERM 514 (Analysis of Ecological and Environmental Data I) on Friday
Probably going to drop QERM 514, but a lot of people have been recommending it for more quantitative training (not sure I need it though)
Worked on putting together a differential expression analysis pipeline, making a separate posting about this
Feb 9-10
Subbed in for one of the sustainable agriculture faculty interviews, was really interesting to see how this works, the position also appears to be calling for something I wasn’t expecting
E5 Molecular Mechanism Meeting
Currently wondering how Danielle’s nutrient experiment data could be useful to me, centers around nutrient exposure, so does get me on a more narrowed down route for what I want to do
It seems like an lncRNA analysis on her data would be a natural extension of her already completed work, so maybe this is something she would want to pursue
Emma’s data seems much more difficult to use since her analysis was confounded by ploidy, but it might be cool to do a diploid-triploid comparison of non-coding RNAs
Environmental data science class, R markdown
Mark did a great job of showcasing R markdown functionality
This is something I feel like I should already know, but does beauftiful-jekyll allow me to use Rmd instead of md? Because Rmd looks so much more functional and easier. I think the answer to this is no but I’ll figure it out.
Forgot to prep for this, but I think I’m going to still work through it on my own
This was a very telling way to see which lab members prioritize what when it comes to displaying data
Environmental data science class x 2
R markdown knitting, creating docs and pdfs, formatting - This was a great perspective on publishing R markdown files, but I can’t help thinking that some of this is unnecessary. The most utility I saw was in creating webpages and having an easy to update CV. Using this for regular doc creation honestly feels like pushing it to me.
Designing presentations - A bit of the same as last class, and to reiterate, I feel like this might be overcomplicating powerpoint or google slides, but I do see the utility.
MHS/UW Collaboration Meeting: Coastal Erosion Lesson Plan
Rosalind, Ariana, and I are working with a math teacher from the Maritime High School to create a coastal erosion lesson plan
Ariana will focus on the hands-on simulation activity
I’m working on the real-world context slides and showing a computer model that display coastal inundation
Some great Washington specific options can be found here
E5 Monthly Team Meeting
Review of basically all the material we covered in our last molecular mechanisms meeting, plus a look at Ferdi’s most recent publication
I need to be more aware of what is going on in the modeling team, especially taking a peek at the E5 papers already published
Feb 16
Long non-coding RNA data analysis options are really well documented in this paper
Paperpile updated with E5 modeling papers, went a little off the rails but got a bit of a sample of each of the modeling members work and 2 in progress papers
Start from the beginning, I want to try lncPipe, I think it’s the guidance I need it’s under development, but it just brings together pieces I think we already have